Deliciously sweet and rich, this has echoes of a beef demiglace sauce, but takes less time to make. The sauce (before the final thickening step) can be...
This budget-friendly cut of beef has very little fat. A two or three hour marinade increases flavor and tenderness of this flavorful cut of beef. Oven-roasted...
Easy Stuffed Peppers: Tender bell peppers stuffed with an ultra flavorful filling of beef, rice, and tangy tomatoes. The slow cooker does ALL the work...
This quick and easy Homemade Spaghetti Sauce, made with lean ground beef and canned tomatoes has a rich and meaty sauce with a secret ingredient that is...
This Beef Gyro recipe with Authentic Greek Tzatziki Sauce is a delicious combination of flavors from red onion, garlic, marjoram, rosemary, oregano, salt...
Follow our step-by-step, photo illustrated recipe for baking up this delicious Pork Ham Shank, complete with Brown Sugar Glaze. Great as a main dish, great...
Pork and sauerkraut with apples and onions get braised in the oven with beer. The juices that get left in the pot make a savory yet slightly sweet gravy....
Beef stew cooked over the campfire is a warming and cozy way to end the evening. Start this stew before you set up camp, so it has a chance to simmer and...
Use this simple four-ingredient dressing to make your favorite authentic Thai salads. Adjust the flavors as you'd like - adding more sweet, sour, savory,...
These Grilled Chicken Drumsticks are delicious, quick to make, and are total crowd-pleasers. Ready in less than an hour, and with only 4 ingredients, these...
This dish is an unmissable classic of Peruvian cuisine that is a perfect combination of many of Peru's usual culinary suspects: ají amarillo (the yellow...
This grilled shrimp is perfectly seasoned and over the top good! Here's how to grill shrimp: it's easy and they cook up in 5 minutes. Or, try them with...
This incredibly delicious Cajun seafood boil combines crawfish, gulf shrimp, smoked sausage, corn on the cob, potatoes, and more! It's a meal that's...
This recipe for the Best Southern Crispy Fried Oysters features salty, silky, slightly sweet, delectable fresh oysters encased in a classic, crispy, perfectly...
These easy Eggplant Meatballs without the meat, are a fast, easy and tasty way to use eggplant. Make them as a main dish or appetizer. Make lots because...
This Slow Cooker Tri-Tip Roast is a great recipe for menu planning. Slice and serve with mashed potatoes and sides or shred, portion and freeze for fajitas,...